
3 Online Dating Mistakes to Avoid

3 Online Dating Mistakes to Avoid While you search the internet for that special lady…the one of your dreams…your soul-mate…the other half of yourself, you can do a lot of things right. Sadly, you can, also, do a lot of things wrong….things that will guarantee failure and a broken heart. Out in the “real” world, being aggressive, demanding perfection and even little white lies are all ingredients for success. However, those same qualities are killers when you are dating online and off line, too, for that matter. There is a big difference between being aggressive or confident and being too…

Dating, Drugs And Alcohol

Dating, Drugs And Alcohol Dear Daughter, I love you so much. I wish that I could always protect you from all dangers, but I know that I can’t. You are growing up and you will have to face dangers and make some decisions on your own. However, I am always here and I can always be a pretty good coach. Please talk to me anytime about any problem you may have, even if you have messed up. I have messed up a few times myself. I was thinking about my last letter on dating. I would like to continue those…

Online Dating-how To Have The Best Online Profile

Online Dating-how To Have The Best Online Profile That is our mission when it comes to online dating; we want to have the best online profile. That is our introduction to other singles To have the best online profile, we have to put in a little thought and a lot of creativity. Use a little thought when it comes to choosing your User Name. Make it creative. It can be a spin-off of your name, a nickname, the name of a fantasy character, etc. It can almost be anything except sexual. Having the best online profile means, you have taken…

The Temptation of Male Sex Desire – What’s the True Perspective?

The Temptation of Male Sex Desire – What’s the True Perspective? What is it that single most powerful force that drives men to forego everything for the sake of sex with a woman? If you can study the problem with all the possible perspectives, perhaps it will become clear to you how the debilitating cycle sets in, in the first place and how to bypass it. Try to recap a typical scenario of an average man’s situation. Man dates but unfortunately is faced with more disillusionment than fun and pleasure and this happens repeatedly. Have you ever wondered why? Well,…

How To Survive Speed Networking

How To Survive Speed Networking Get More Clients From Networking – Follow The Rules Of Dating. If you’re a business owner, you probably spend quite a lot of your time at networking events. In fact, it may be the main way you try to get new clients. But do you ever feel that you could get more from these meetings? Do you actually get the results from your networking to justify the amount of time you put into it? If you don’t find you get a lot of interest from the people you meet, it may be that you’re going…

Dating… A Parents Worst Fear? It Doesn’t Have To Be!

Dating… A Parents Worst Fear? It Doesn’t Have To Be! Parents with Teenagers…be Prepared!! I am writing this brief article to parents who have or will have teenage girls. I want to share this because if necessary precautions are taken you will save a lot of pain, heartache, and tears! At the age of 16 my daughter became ill, headache, throwing up, nausea and tired. Yes all the symptoms of pregnancy, as I know the symptoms well as I have brought four girls into this world. My daughter’s first response when I asked her if she had been having sex…

Dating a Co-worker – Good or Bad?

Dating a Co-worker – Good or Bad? In our days more and more people decide to start a relationship with a co-worker. The reason why this happens is that many young professional men and women are spending almost all their time at the office, so they have less time to go out and meet new people. So, it is natural to seek friendship and companionship from colleagues. But for many times, this friendship transform into a relationship that in most of the cases fail. There are many risks that make this very difficult to maintain. But not many people know…

Looking for Love

Looking for Love What does it mean to be looking for love? What kind of love are you looking for and from whom. What I mean is that there are all kinds of love. The love you feel for your significant other, the unconditional love you get from your kids, the love you feel for a certain kind of food (chocolate?), or even the love that comes from having a pet. Let’s face it, looking for love can mean all sorts of things to different people. But if your looking for the love of another person to share your life…

Get More Clients From Networking – Follow The Rules Of Dating!

Get More Clients From Networking – Follow The Rules Of Dating! If you’re a business owner, you probably spend quite a lot of your time at networking events. In fact, it may be the main way you try to get new clients. But do you ever feel that you could get more from these meetings? Do you actually get the results from your networking to justify the amount of time you put into it? If you don’t find you get a lot of interest from the people you meet, it may be that you’re going about things the wrong way.…

Romance in the Sunset Years

Romance in the Sunset Years When you watch television or the movies, you would come to the conclusion that romance is only the stuff of those in their teens or 20s. As though somehow once someone reaches full adulthood, much less senior citizen age, the concept of romance is completely out of the question. This may be more a function of the fact that more people in those age groups go to the movies than any grounding in reality about romance. But we know for a fact that romance in the sunset years not only is possible, it might be…

You Are Haunted By Partners Past

You Are Haunted By Partners Past One thing that often happens, especially at the beginning of a new relationship, is that you are haunted by partners past. It can happen slowly and be very subtle or it can hit you like a freight train. Either way it is unsettling. Truthfully I can’t think of many things that stink more than thinking you are finally over your ex and ready to move on and meet someone great then wham, there it is. You find yourself remembering all the good times you and your ex used to have. Right when you think…

How to Act on a First Date

How to Act on a First Date The key to a successful first date is to relax and just be the real you. If you try to act in a way that you think the other person will like, then they may start liking someone who you are not, and in the end you will wind up breaking up and getting hurt, so honest truly is the best policy, and in the end if you are just being you and it does not work you, you know they were not the one for you. Dating is like gambling at poker,…

Do You Know Where To Meet Christian Singles To Find Romance And Love?

Do You Know Where To Meet Christian Singles To Find Romance And Love? Are you having trouble figuring out where to meet Christian singles? You might want to meet other Christian singles for dating or you might just want to find Christian singles for friendship and support. More than eighty percent of Americans consider themselves to be Christian and yet a large percentage of Christian singles don’t know how to meet other Christian singles. Some people try to meet Christian singles only through church, which can be limiting. On the other hand, some people are trying to meet Christian singles…

Making Dangerous Dating Assumptions

Making Dangerous Dating Assumptions When men and women are dating, they always seem to make assumptions about what is going on in the other person’s mind. They have already decided on what the other person is thinking, what the other person wants, or what they need. Assuming things like this will lead to nowhere, fast. All that you will do is create misunderstandings, guilt, and potential embarrassing moments. Here is a little story: Stacy’s sister was having a beautiful romantic wedding ceremony. Of course Stacy wanted to bring her date Michael to the wedding to share this incredibly romantic experience…

The Three Keys to Gay Relationships

The Three Keys to Gay Relationships As a gay man in his forties I don’t claim to be a “dating expert”. That said however, I must tell you that personally I don’t like to think of two people getting together to spend time with each other as dating. I really dislike labels. When the term dating is used I feel that it denotes preconcieved images of how an evening has to play out. There is nothing wrong with just spending time with somebody and getting to know them without any pressure, and just seeing what happens from there. I like…

8 Dating Rules For Single Dads

8 Dating Rules For Single Dads The problem with recently divorced single parents is that are waiting too long to start dating again, complaining they are oh, so busy. The real reason is their fears, because their previous situation was usually so ugly, they don’t have a strong enough ego to let rejections roll off their back. Even if they are starting to date, in most cases are doing this for the wrong reasons. Some single parents think they are in competition with their ex, particularly if they were left for a younger partner. They also might be playing a…

Online Dating is Not a Contest

Online Dating is Not a Contest Online dating is not a competition between competing males for the attention of a female. Grow up. Change your mind set from “winning” to “searching”. This isn’t high school. You are all grown up and have been for quite some time, now. Your attitude is the most important asset you have. You should like yourself and not concentrate of all of the things that aren’t YOUR idea of the perfect guy…the one the all women want. What is that women want, you ask? That’s the age old question. Being of the female persuasion myself,…

Affiliate Marketing; What’s In It For You – Or, How To Make Money Selling Other People’s Stuff.

Affiliate Marketing; What’s In It For You – Or, How To Make Money Selling Other People’s Stuff. What is Affiliate Marketing? Let me put it this way. How many times have you told a friend or relative about a product or service that you like that resulted in them purchasing that product or service? Now imagine doing the same thing on the Internet, but on a much larger scale. Now imagine that that the companies you refer people to pay you a commission for your referrals. That’s how affiliate marketing works. The perks of starting an affiliate marketing business include:…

The Lazy Man’s Way to Pick up Girls

The Lazy Man’s Way to Pick up Girls No, I do NOT pick up girls in bars, on the internet, through personal ads or through dating services. Never in your life! Hi, I am Elvis Preston King I hold the world record of the most girlfriends of any man on the planet! I am an expert at picking up and seducing young girls. I seduce one to three new girls everyday of the year and I love it. I have over 1000 sexy young girlfriends (no Pros) 18 to 22 years old. I have slept with over 3000 girls. I…

Building Your Confidence in Dating Women

Building Your Confidence in Dating Women When it comes to dating (or even seducing) a woman, confidence is vital. Women often equate “self confidence” with the ability to be successful. While many men believe that women look for successful men because they’re likely to make more money, that’s simply not true. While it’s a given, women actually look for successful men because they’re more likely to be satisfied. So you may be wondering what a man being satisfied has to do with anything. Let me explain. You see, women know that men who are satisfied with themselves are less likely…

Asian Matchmaking moves to the Digital Age

Asian Matchmaking moves to the Digital Age It is clear there has been a shift away from the traditional form of arranged marriage, involving a matchmaker and formal introductions where the couple meet only after they have been chosen for each other. But there is still a particular approach to marriage in Asian culture worldwide. Marriage is important to young Asians: even in the UK they and their family usually hope they will be married or at least engaged by the age of 30, even though the rest of the population is marrying later and later – or not at…

Woman’s Touch

Woman’s Touch It can be difficult to be a woman in the dating arena. A lot of things can go wrong for you more than it can for your male counterpart. Plus, men can be really dense about a few things. Well, no worries. Here are a few tips on what to do and not to do during a date: 1) Timing is important – Timing as in ‘on time’. No matter what they say, there is no such thing as ‘fashionably late’. For the first date, this can give the guy jitters and make him think that you’ve stood…

Get The Inside Secrets Of Women On Dating

Get The Inside Secrets Of Women On Dating After thousands of years men still cannot figure out what women want. Women will never come right out and tell you what she wants or needs but instead may give some hints or signals that you are expected to work out. In this article I am going to share with you the inside secrets of women on dating so you can finally figure out what women actually want. Women can even be a little contradictory at times. For example a woman wants a man to protect her and stand up for her…

Starting a Paid Membership Site

Starting a Paid Membership Site Whatever you call them – member only, membership, subscription, or mentor websites, they all have one thing in common. They are bringing in steady and constant cash flow for their owners, month after month, from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. The array of the topics of these websites is endless. Some of these paid membership sites provide mentoring or coaching, others publish useful articles or information in a particular field or product. Still others publish the results of tests and studies or product reviews. Some membership sites provide specialized service…

Advice On Dating A Latin Woman – Spark It

Advice On Dating A Latin Woman – Spark It Latin single women are very attractive and some of the most sensual women in the world. They have sensual movements and are extremely attractive. If you have met a Latin woman that you would like to ask out on a date you may be wondering about any cultural differences that could be an issue. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about dating a Latin woman. Latin families are often quite large and they are usually very close even to their extended family. A Latin woman might have…

Choosing an International Marriage Agency (Mail Order Bride Service)

Choosing an International Marriage Agency (Mail Order Bride Service) Choosing an International Marriage Agency (Mail Order Bride Service) It is unfortunate that when you venture outside of the United States for love that you need to be extra careful with the women you court and the dating services you use. The prevalence of dishonesty, fraud, and neglectful service from international marriage agencies is very high. These guidelines will help you select a marriage agency (mail order bride service) with integrity and capability. Are The Women Profiled Real? Do not use an international marriage agency strictly based on the number of…

Broken Relationships Rebound The Smart Way

How many times have you seen one of your friends break up with a long-term partner only to find, the very next week, someone who was obviously all wrong for them? It’s one of the most common after effects of the end of relationships: rebound dating. The idea of rebound relationships is so ingrained into the way we think about dating that it just seems natural to look for one after a breakup. There’s something to be said for getting “back in the saddle,” choosing a partner when your judgment is clouded usually does more harm than good overall. If…

Membership Sites Today

The topics for successful member only websites are as varied today as…short people, tall people, buying websites, unusual business ideas, selling stocks, paint ball, 2nd wives clubs, financial, dating, fitness, marketing and countless mentoring and coaching sites on almost every topic imaginable and probably a few you can’t imagine or wouldn’t want to imagine. It takes some work and certainly the right tools to set up a members-only website but the rewards (monetary as well as personal satisfaction) can be huge. Whatever you are passionately interested in or very adept at can be the topic of a members-only website today.…

A Smile Can Take You Far

A Smile Can Take You Far Some dating manners When it is time to meet in the real life it usually feels a little nervous. But when people get prepared everything usually gets a little easier. The following articles I am going to publish here are some thing I believe people should have in mind when they are taking the next step in Internet Dating. Meet in real life that is. Smiles can take you far! Seek eye contact. You just Can’t say this to often. Then be brave enough to keep up the eye contact a few extra seconds…

Public Records in Idaho

Public Records in Idaho It’s such a romantic evening and your loved one set up a date to propose marriage. Before you give your sweet ‘yes’, have you ever considered checking divorce records first? Well, most couples these days don’t last long and they often end up getting divorce. Just in case you want to know more about your fiancé’s past relationship or marriage, you might consider looking into divorce records first before taking your relationship one step further. The internet is a very helpful tool in searching for divorce records. Background checks are now instantly carried out from the…

Great Relationships Aren’t An Accident

Great Relationships Aren’t An Accident Do you find that initiating romantic connections seems more complicated than ever? If you do, you are not alone! Modern dating needs a major overhaul and almost a manual whom to ask, when to ask, where to ask, how to ask for a date! Our world has changed so much that the customary way to meet someone simply does not work anymore. If you are a busy individual, and who isn’t today, there is probably no time in your life to waste with “hit and miss” random dating experiences. To complicate matters we now have…

Equestrian Singles – Where to Meet Them

Equestrian Singles – Where to Meet Them A horse lover, or any animal lover, would want to find someone who likes horses like themselves. While it may seem petty for some people, an equestrian who ends up with someone who dislikes horses or does not understand their partner’s passion for horses is doomed to have a lot of potential relationship problems in the future. Weird but I’ve heard of some people feeling jealous of the partner’s love and attention towards their horse. That is why horse lovers would want to find someone who shares the same love for the animal.…

Online Dating Safety For Men

Online Dating Safety For Men Almost everything you read about online dating safety is directed at women but men need to be concerned as well. Perverts, sexual predators and weirdoes come in both sexes, all sizes, and all ages…as do, liars and cheaters. So men need to stay on guard, too. It is common knowledge not to readily give out personal information to strangers. The reason for not doing so is as large as the number of strangers who want that information. If you come across a person who is giving out personal information and asking others to do the…

Mainstream Dating or Adult?

Mainstream Dating or Adult? It depends what your looking for but in general both sites will have something on offer. At the adult sites you can expect to find sex and erotic fantasy, lots of gay, lesbian and bisexual type members as well as swinger couples. At the mainstream sites you can expect to find sex and relationship types. It is less common to find a serious relationship on a full blown adult site but we do see some people looking… The point is there is cross over from one to the other, I’ve seen women looking for relationships –…

Dating – How To Win The Best?

Dating – How To Win The Best? I believe that enough is being written about what you should do and what you should not in dating. Let me ask you another question – whether you deserve the best partner available out there? Is your answer is in yes, or are you getting scared with the thought? If you are a man, do you not think that you deserve to get the most beautiful, intelligent and loving lady? And if you are a woman, do not you believe that you deserve a prince and nothing less than a prince? Not many…

A Disastrous Date Leads To Success

A Disastrous Date Leads To Success Sometimes a date doesn’t go well. But just because there’s a problem of some kind doesn’t mean you can’t get a ‘result’ from the date. You know what I mean by ‘result’, don’t you? I had a date a couple of months ago that went unbelievably wrong, but turned out right in the end. I met my date for the first time in the car park of a country pub. I followed my usual strategy for greeting a woman to set the right ‘tone’ for the date. As you can see from page 158…

What to Talk About on a Date

What to Talk About on a Date I’m sure you want your date to have fun and you want to have fun, too! You want to ensure that the conversation is interesting and stimulating to both of you. Body language always speaks first in any conversation. When you are confident your body relaxes, becomes more open, you lean in, you smile, and you become more animated. When you are tense or not at ease with yourself, you will be sitting back, crossing your legs, maybe your arms, your mouth will barely break a smile, and your eyes will be searching…

Are Online Relationships Healthy

Are Online Relationships Healthy There is a lot of conflicting opinions when it comes to whether or not the internet has allowed us to get closer to one another. Some will say that the internet makes it easy to connect with people from all over the world and all walks of life, people you wouldn’t usually come into contact with any other way, while others think it’s taking the ‘connection’ out of relationships. No matter which side of the argument you are on the question: are online relationships healthy, is a valid one. While most people think that each relationship…

Teenage Relationship Abuse-Growing Problem Among Teens

Teenage Relationship Abuse-Growing Problem Among Teens Who would have ever thought that we would have to worry about teenage relationship abuse? I mean as parents we know that we have to worry about and warn our kids about drugs, alcohol, drunk driving and teen pregnancy, now we have to worry that our kids are being emotionally, physically or sexually abused in a dating relationship! Unfortunately, it is a growing problem among teens. The cycle often starts slowly and as such is not always easy to spot until it has gone on for a long while. Here are some warning signs…

The Reality Of Attraction And Dating In A Post Modern Society

The Reality Of Attraction And Dating In A Post Modern Society Many men today are confused as to how to attract and deal with women. Today our women are more beautiful (through natural selection and beautification), capable and empowered than at any point in history, and though this is a wonderful thing, it’s had many ramifications when it comes to relationships. Countless guys including ‘great catches’ are frustrated as to how to deal with, attract and succeed with these desirable women. In fact many men are so frustrated that we now have 40 year old virgins. The major social dilemma…

The Personals For Seniors Worked – Now What

The Personals For Seniors Worked – Now What Most people have seen personals for seniors in a newspaper or magazine, but they rarely stop to think about whether they would use them. They are less likely to think about what would happen if they do work and result in contact with a prospective partner. People post personals for seniors as a way of meeting new friends and potentially a new partner. There are many ways to meet new dates and personals is just one of them. Senior citizens could also try 1) Senior dining club 2) Speed dating for seniors…

10 Dating Tips For Women

10 Dating Tips For Women In case you haven’t heard, there are new rules on the romance scene. Here are my 10 best dating tips for women. 1.) Never talk about an ex on an early date with a new guy. Your date will either think that you are not over the old guy and not ready to commit to a new relationship or he will think that you are a bitter and angry person. In either case, there won’t be any future in the relationship. 2.) Don’t play games. If you think you have to play a role to…

How Can You Tell When You Have Found The Right Person?

How Can You Tell When You Have Found The Right Person? Love is such a wonderful thing that when shared by two people, the feelings become mutual and the gratifications achieved. All of these are established during the start of dating. Dating becomes the primary selection ground for people who wish to end up with somebody they can grow old with. It provides them the means to find the right person whom they can share their sentiments, their feelings, problems, etc. Normally, the stages of dating illustrate continuous experiences. As the couple proceeds on the next level, they get to…

Ebook Topic Ideas

Ebook Topic Ideas Coming up with a topic for your ebook might seem like a challenge to you. Do not worry, there are more than enough topics for you to write about. You just have to choose a topic you know about. Here are some topic ideas for ebooks. Parenting Anyone with kids has had a question at one time or another. Share your parenting knowledge in an ebook. Maybe you have a great way to potty train a child, or a sure fire way to get a baby to sleep through the night. These are great topics for an…

If You Want to be Discreet when Swinging

If You Want to be Discreet when Swinging Of course, after you’ve tried a little swinging, you may want to share your amazing experiences with everyone you know. Unfortunately, not everyone will be as open as you. If you work in a conservative environment, or just want to maintain a little anonymity, then there are several ways to go about it. If you’re going to clubs… One of the main reasons that a lot of beginning swingers try out clubs is that there is a certain safety in numbers. If you’re there and they’re there, then you both are embracing…

It’s Time For My Date To Meet My Family and Friends, What Should I Do?

It’s Time For My Date To Meet My Family and Friends, What Should I Do? If you’re letting your date meet your family and friends you must be getting more serious about the person you’re dating. That’s good. You may be a little apprehensive about your date meeting your family and friends because you want things to go well. You want your friends and family to like the person you date and your date to like them. Don’t worry about it! Just be yourselves and move forward with the introductions! Here are some tips and information that may help you…

The Challenge Of Dating A Beautiful Woman

The Challenge Of Dating A Beautiful Woman Have you asked out a beautiful woman and are surprised she accepted? Men put beautiful woman on this high pedestal and then it can be quite challenging and nerve wracking if you ask one out and she actually accepts. It can certainly boost your self confidence when an attractive woman agrees to go out with you and give you a real big ego! You will also be the envy of all your mates when they see you on a date with this amazingly attractive woman. One more huge benefit to dating a beautiful…

Dealing with Online Dating Rejection!

Dealing with Online Dating Rejection! An unfortunate part of the dating process has always been and will always be rejection. Simply put, not every person that you come across will be the type that you would like to pursue something more with; either they’re not your type physically, or else other key differences in personality begin to show as the friendship progresses. The same can be said about other people and their opinions of you, as well. At some point, the time comes to accept your differences and agree to move in different directions. In a traditional social setting, this…

How Can A Senior Meet The New Love Of His Life

How Can A Senior Meet The New Love Of His Life It is quite daunting trying to find love at any age but it can be difficult to see how can a senior meet the new love in his life. Perhaps you have been widowed or divorced or maybe you never met the right partner. Whatever your circumstances, the good news is that there are now many tried and tested ways to meet new people and given half a chance you could be spending the twilight years of your life with someone special. So how do you go about it?…

Rejection, Fear, and Dating

Rejection, Fear, and Dating Life Coach Advice Single again? As we travel through life, we often end up single. There are many reasons why. It could be the result of meeting the wrong person, death, cheating, lies, divorce, location, goals, and more. Losing a relationship impacts us in many ways. It can be very painful, or it can be very refreshing, or anywhere in-between. No matter what the cause or the degree of pain, there is one truth we all share: We don’t want to end up alone. We want to find companionship. In order to get into a new…