Hot Cougar Women – Bring Your A Game

Hot Cougar Women – Bring Your A Game

If you’re on the prowl for hot cougar women you don’t just have to rely on your local watering hole, there are many online dating sites that specialize in this type of match. There are many benefits to dating an older woman, but you had better bring your ‘A’ game because older women don’t have time for scruffy looking slackers. That might play with the younger crowd but a more confidant, mature women will want someone who is up to her level.

When dating a women younger than you or your own age, there is a tendency for a lot of drama. That is primarily because neither of you has a lot of life experience. You are both still trying to figure out who you are, what you want, and where you fit. When both of you are struggling with those issues it can lead to a lot of insecurity and that leads to a lot of drama.

An older women will generally have most of, or all, of those questions answered. She will be more comfortable in her own skin and more sure of herself and what she wants. Those traits will tend to lead to more fun and less fighting. She prefers to spend her time doing fun things and not ‘babysitting’. More than likely an older woman has already raised her kids and she’s not looking to take on a project, she wants a man who can satisfy her (get your mind out of the gutter, I’m talking about satisfying her completely: mentally, emotionally, and sexually).

The additional confidence of an older women will likely result in more space for the man she is dating. Younger women tend to be more clingy, an older women will very likely want her alone time, you won’t even have to ask. You may just find yourself asking to spend more time with her. By the time a woman gets in her 40’s and 50’s she’s had the chance to create a very full life for herself. A life of hobbies and friends, work, etc. She may simply not have a lot of time to spend with you.

Most older women love companionship as much as anyone, but unlike some younger women they’ve found that they don’t have to settle to get it. If they can’t find the right partner, they’ll just move on until they do. They aren’t defined by having a man in their life.

I don’t know if women are starting to date younger men because the men their own age are chasing around after 20 somethings, or if women are just realizing that the old geezers may be on to something. There is also an ever increasing acceptance to an older woman dating a younger guy. The more mainstream it becomes the more the cougar pack will grow.

Many men (the ones who are more self assured and more mature) find themselves bored with the immaturity of women their age. This is one of the reasons that there are so many dating sites focused on finding hot cougar women. If you think you’re up to the challenge, by all means, check one out. You may find that you’ve finally met your match.