Dating Tips – Found Someone Online? Ready to Date?

Dating Tips – Found Someone Online? Ready to Date?

Here are some tips that may help once you have found your match and are ready to go on a date:

– Be honest, be yourself. Don’t exaggerate or stretch the truth. Once you’re suspected of doing so you will lose your credibility.

– Don’t surprise your date, with a horror flick or an exotic meal especially on the first date. Keep in mind that your tastes may not be equal to your date’s.

– Be on time. Being late is inconsiderate, it leaves a bad impression. If your date is late, be patient and understanding, there may be a legitimate excuse.

– Calm yourself by telling yourself you’re excited, not nervous.

– If your date compliments you, don’t brush it off or say something that doesn’t make it worthy. Instead of putting yourself down, say thank you.

– Look at what’s inside. Don’t just focus on looks. If you’re preoccupied with just physical appearance and you dismiss your date, you might miss out on the great inner qualities they may possess.

– Be open to the ideas your companion might have on how to spend your date.

– Don’t be overly aggressive with your date. Don’t come on too hard.

– Make the first date brief. It’s better to keep them wanting more, than looking for a way to escape.

– Keep the conversation topics light.

– Try to find out if your date has platonic relationships with members of the opposite sex. That’s a good sign they are able to relate to you.

– Go out there and have fun with it.