Articles On Single Parents And Black Males

Articles On Single Parents And Black Males

Single Parenting and Black Males

Single parenting is becoming a fast-growing trend in modern societies, not just in the developed countries around the world but also in the third world or to term it the more politically correct word, developing countries.

Times have really changed since those days when single parents were treated as outcasts of the society. Previously, especially during those times and era when values and morals were strictly imposed within societies, single parents were treated as if their situations were some sort of punishment to them.

Single parenthood is not unique to the average white men and women in the United States. It can be noted that the black race or the so-called African Americans in the country are also subject to the issue and concerns regarding single parenthood.

Thus, the number of black males who are also single parents in the country and also in other nations are currently the same and equal to the number of white males who are single parents.

The borders and difference separating the black race from the white have really disappeared and melted that issue previously concerning whites are now also issues hounding the blacks.

Thus black male single parents are now living on an era when single parents are treated with much respect and dignity than the way they were treated by he previous generations.

Black males and the single parenting

Single parenting is also not unique to the average black males. The US Census of 2002 estimates that three in every ten children in the United States are raised by single parents. What is so vague about the statistics is that the demographics were not clearly defined, meaning the actual number of black males who are also single parents are not really identified or set out.

It is assumed, however, that the number of single parents who are incidentally also black males rise along with those of white males, or of female counterparts.

It can be noted, however, that the modern society is knowledgeable and informed about safe sex and contraceptives. But, there are instances when contraceptives don not really work as intended, and so the number of unwanted pregnancies and unwanted birth of children are rapidly rising.

Black males who are also single parents do experience the same experiences and issues being reported and experienced by other single parents around the world.

Black males who are also single parents are also now equally privileged as their other counterparts. They are also qualified for compensations and financial assistance and support from the federal government.

Articles about single parents and black males

There are a number of literature or writings that tackle the issue of single parenting particularly and specifically for the black males. It is assumed that male single parenting is very hard because males, in general, are not domesticated.

The traditional and conventional norms of the society have it that males are not really completely coping up with the challenges of single parenthood. Psychologists do assert that male single parents are far worse compared to their female counterparts, because females are more emotionally stabled to cope with the single parenthood situation.

Here are some of the recommended reading digests that black males who are also single parents could read. The following articles are so timely and will surely be helpful to the black males who are also single parents.

The articles are accessible online, for everyone to read them. Read on.

“ Black Men: the Crisis Continues” by Slaim Muwakkil. The article came out and was published in one of the modern magazines. The article touches on the political issues hounding the black population, particularly the black males.

‘The Blak Family: 40 Years of Lies” by Kay S. Hymowitz. The magazine article discusses the social implications of single parenting among black males and in the general the whole black race.

“Parent Trapped: Dating for Single Parents” is an article available online that tackles the issue of single parents finally moving on with life to experience dating once again. Issues bugging black males regarding single parenting are discussed.